
Associate in Science


Enter the exciting field of nursing. YCCC的新护理课程将培养学生成为副学士级别的注册护士. Registered nurses are a vital part of healthcare, 在各种医疗环境中管理富有同情心的护理. After completing the program, 学生将能够参加NCLEX注册护士(RN)执照考试并获得就业机会.

*Acceptance into the 护理 program is on a competitive basis. 成功完成先决条件和入学要求并不能保证被护理课程录取. 正在修读预科课程的学生应该申请健康研究/护理预科课程. Upon acceptance into the 护理 program, 学生将收到一份录取通知书,列出他们的开始日期,并将收到有关开始护理课程的其他信息.



  • The Fall 2025 Application is Now Open

  • 申请的最后期限

    To be considered for Early Decision, 招生办公室需要在不迟于3月1日收到完整的YCCC护理申请(所有入学要求,包括正式成绩单,必修课程完成,最终成绩为“B-”或更高).

    FINAL DEADLINE: May 20, 2025
    申请与先决条件课程正在进行的春季2025学期, will be reviewed after the Spring semester has ended. 对于那些在YCCC之外完成先决课程的申请人, 招生办公室需要在5月20日之前收到你的正式大学成绩单和最终成绩, 2025. 所有其他入学要求必须不迟于3月1日由招生办公室收到, 2025.

  • Estimated degree completion time


  • 项目跟踪


  • 会话信息

    所有被录取的护理学生都必须参加一个强制性的信息会议. Sessions are held via ZOOM and registration is required.
    外胎.9月. 24th from 12:15pm to 1:15pm
    结婚.10月. 9th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    外胎.10月. 22nd from 12:15pm to 1:15pm
    结婚.10月. 30th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
    碰头. 11月. 7th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
    结婚.11月. 20th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    外胎.12月. 3rd from 12:15pm to 1:15pm
    结婚.12月. 18th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
    碰头.1月. 9th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    结婚.1月. 22nd from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
    外胎.1月. 28th from 12:15pm to 1:15pm
    结婚.2月. 5th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    外胎.2月. 11th from 12:15pm to 1:15pm
    碰头.2月. 27th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

学位 questions, answered.

Have questions about the 护理 program? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch with you.

护理细节问题部分图片555x505宽高比563 492

"*" indicates required fields


护理专业课程为护理实践提供了良好的理论基础. 学生将在课程的四个学期中参与课堂和临床经验. Clinical experiences will be offered in Southern Maine.


对护理专业感兴趣的学生应该先修一些课程. 他们将被安排在健康研究/护理预科课程中,直到他们准备好申请护理课程. Upon acceptance into the 护理 program, 学生将收到一份录取通知书,上面列出了他们的开始日期和他们的护理指导老师. Each cohort has seat for 32 students. The 2024 application is closed. The Fall 2025 application is coming soon.

Admission Requirements

  • Possess a high-school diploma, GED certificate OR HiSET
  • Achieve a B- in ALL prerequisite courses:
    • 解剖学 & Physiology I w/ Lab (BIO 126/BIO 127)
    • College Composition (ENG 101)*
    • Quantitative Reasoning or Statistics (MAT 118 or MAT 124)
    • Introduction to Psychology (PSY 101)*
  • TEAS test score of 60 or higher.* CLICK HERE FMI ABOUT TEAS TESTING
  • Attend a MANDATORY information webinar.
  • Two 专业 and/or Academic Letters of Recommendation CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND PRINT RECOMMENDATION FORM


  • Psychology Across the Lifespan (PSY 210)
  • 人体解剖学 & Physiology II w/Lab (BIO 136/BIO 137)
  • Microbiology w/Lab (BIO 230/BIO 231)
  • Oral Communications (SPE 101)
  • 多元文化的美国(HUM 201)或伦理与当代社会(PHI 102)

* AP and/or CLEP credits will be accepted for College Composition, Introduction to Psychology, and Psychology Across the Lifespan. 数学和科学课程(前提课程和附加课程)必须在七年内(1月1日)完成, 2018年至5月20日, 2025). TEAS test scores must be from the past 3 years (Feb. 2022年至2月. 2025). 2025年秋季申请周期的所有先决条件需要在2025年5月20日之前完成. 申请人有责任确保所有先决条件得到适当满足. 有关入学要求/已收到哪些文件的所有问题,请直接发送至 nursing@hg68333.com or 207.216.4407

Additional Program Requirements and Considerations:

  • YCCC的临床实习地点遍布缅因州南部. 护理专业的学生需要自己提供往返这些地点的交通工具.
  • YCCC护理专业的学生必须有自己的笔记本电脑,以便在校园学习, at practicum sites and at home. 其他信息将在被录取后提供.


Students will be able to:

  • Provide compassionate nursing care to patients, 家庭, 组, 人口, 以及来自不同背景、不同环境的社区.
  • 与不同的患者和医疗团队成员进行有效的沟通和协作,以促进共同决策.
  • 利用信息和病人护理技术来管理护理, support decision-making, and minimize error while employing effective use of resources.
  • 评估和整合现有证据与临床判断,以提供安全,优质的护理.
  • 整合专业行为和领导技能,提供专业护理服务.
  • 使用质量测量和指标来评估患者的结果和提供护理的变化的影响.

YCCC护理计划正处于缅因州护理委员会批准的第二阶段, 国会街161号, 158 State House Station, 奥古斯塔, Maine 04333-0158 (207-287-1133)

位于威尔斯校区的约克县社区学院的副护理课程, 缅因州获得护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的认证。.

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000


查看ACEN披露的有关该计划的公开信息 在ACEN网站上.


  1. 执照考试NCLEX通过率为80%或以上的所有首次参加考试.
  2. 至少75%的新生在三年内完成护理课程.
  3. 至少80%的毕业生报告在毕业后六个月内从事护理工作
Img HealthStudies scaled aspect ratio 1110 525


护理课程的毕业生可以在各种环境中从事注册护士的职业, 包括, but not limited to pediatric nursing, gerontological nursing, primary care nursing, cardiac vascular nursing, pain management nursing, and psychiatric nursing. 

What Someone Working In the Field Has to Say:


护理 Director Cathlab/IR/ICU

Hi, my name is Brian. 我是约克医院重症监护室和介入放射科的主任. 

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